Monday, January 28, 2013

Snowman Craft of the Day

Both of my kids are infatuated with snowmen.  They love to read stories about them, sing about them, and one day I'm sure they will love to make one if we ever get a good snow.  So for today's craft, I figured something about snowmen would be perfect.  I was going to do paper plate snowmen but decided to save that for another day.  Instead, we did construction paper snowmen with white paint snowflakes.  I helped them place the pieces and helped hand over hand with the eyes and buttons.  But the rest is their work.  Here are the finished projects:

006  007

And here's Kaitlyn's "self portrait" (when I asked what she was drawing, she said "me")!


Then she added some fringe with scissors!  I'm going to be so sad having to commute to work tomorrow.  It's been so fun spending more time with the kids this past week...

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