Saturday, February 23, 2013

Fun Projects

Brandon went up to Pennsylvania to help a friend out today, so I had the whole day to do some fun stuff I've been wanting to get around to.  Kaitlyn and I went to JoAnn Fabrics earlier this week armed with fun coupons, and she picked out fabric for a cute jumper.  So I took the morning and sewed it together.  Granted I was too lazy to use a pattern and it was my first time putting a zipper in an outfit, but I was pretty happy with the results.  Kaitlyn loves it, so that's what really matters!


This is the fabric cut out.  I just traced a pattern off of one of Kaitlyn's other jumpers and cut up an old ivory tablecloth for the lining.

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Here's the final product and Kaitlyn wearing the dress over her pajamas!


Then I moved on to adding a satin border around some fleece I got a while back to make a blanket for Colton.  Kaitlyn has a Minnie Mouse one that I have to get around to edging, too...not today though...there's only so much time you can spend sewing in one day :)!

So those were the fun projects for today.  I also want to share some pictures of the construction project Brandon and Colton did for Colton's school and the greatest idea I've seen in a while...


Here's Colton working on his gum drop and toothpicks construction.


And the project so far...  Brandon really wants this to span a huge part of the dining room table, but he just hasn't had the time to work on it that much.  We have to send the picture in for Colton's show and tell next week, so we'll see if it gets any bigger or not.  I think it's pretty fun as is, though.


And here's the greatest idea I've seen in a while!  A blog called Steadfast Life recently showcased this idea for using a hanging shoe organizer to house winter gear like hats, gloves, and scarves.  We are constantly searching for the second glove in a pair, so I thought this idea was genius.  I ordered this $10 organizer, it came Thursday, and voila!  It's making me very happy right now!!  I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Catching Up

For anyone who has gotten the flu this year, you know it's a bad one.  It knocked us out for a week, and we're just now getting back to normal.  Between that and work being extremely busy, I just haven't had much of a chance to keep up with the blog.  So this is going to be one big post of updates.  I also am going to switch to a weekly devotional, which I'm hoping to catch up with tomorrow.  I am finally up to Revelation in my Bible in a "year" readings!  So I'm really excited about that.

It's weird because I have been praying over this past year that God would let me know when the time is right to leave my current job, and I always had this feeling that I needed to read through the whole Bible first.  Well, now that I am about to finish reading through the Bible, my job is on the chopping block with sequestration.  Maybe God is giving me that nudge...  But please be in prayer for everyone who is facing furloughs, lay-offs, etc.  This is going to impact so many families.  I know that people like to villainize federal employees, but the truth is, most of us are just like everybody else, working hard just to put food on the table.

But all that aside, here are all of the updates....

Art Projects





Kaitlyn and I often go to Michaels Arts and Crafts store on days when I'm home.  It's Kaitlyn's favorite store!  When we turn into the shopping center, she always says, "Here we come Michaels!"  So this past week, we landed some awesome bargains.  Little wood picture frames with tiny markers that the kids could decorate with for a dollar each.  Colton colored his doghouse, and we added a cute picture of Barstow as a baby.  Then we found two packs of cute little animals and cars with a brush and set of paints.  Those may have cost more than a dollar, but less than two!  The kids had a blast painting, of course.  Kaitlyn really concentrated on getting the nooks and crannies of the cat.

My Spoils


Rarely do I splurge on myself, but I have been eying the Ashland collection at Michaels for a while now and it finally went 40% off!  I could have bought the whole collection if it weren't for the money issue and the fact that I just don't have room for it all.  But I did get a mosaic "Hope" stand, a vase, and some fake flowers.  It's brought a smile to my face this past week :)!

Potty Progress


Well, my attempt to bribe the kids by promising them that if they were potty trained by the time we reached the end of the current box of diapers they could pick something out at Toys 'R Us has officially failed.  We were off to a good start, but interest in the whole project languished mid-week.  The potty sticker chart is filling up nicely, though!  They haven't stuck to their own sides of the chart, but Colton is getting some stickers on there.  Yay for progress!!

Fun Time

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Kaitlyn built the great wall of blocks in our living room last was adorable!  Colton counted the blocks up to 20!  And then there's Kaitlyn reading a 3D Monsters Inc. book with her those moments!

Colton's 100th Day of School


So Colton's class celebrated the 100th day of school, and for a home project, each kid had to collect 100 of something.  For Colton's project, he put 100 puppy Valentine stickers on a piece of construction paper, writing a number by each one with hand over hand help.  It was a long process, but he enjoyed the numbers and the well worth it!

Scholastic Book Club

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I have become a Scholastic Book Club addict.  Every month, Colton's teacher sends home those little brochures of amazingly inexpensive books, and I just have to order some.  Colton brought this month's order home from school today!  I think I may actually get even more excited than the kids.  Fifteen books and a bear adding game for less than $ have to admit that's an awesome deal!  I'm loving the bears...the kids are already showing an interest in adding because of them.

So that's it for now.  Colton and Brandon are supposed to do a gum drops and toothpicks construction project after dinner, so that should be some fun pictures.  Guess I should get to starting dinner now :).

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Kaitlyn's First Tea Party

Kaitlyn absolutely loves all things tea party related!  She has three play tea sets and one super nice one that we have put away for when she gets older.  So when one of the girls from church invited her to a tea party, she was THRILLED!  We got up this morning and got her all decked out in her Dora princess dress.  Here are some pictures from the fun:


Here she is before we left...all ready to go and super excited!


Drinking tea from one of her own tea cups...


Just a shot of the tea cup I used.  I love tea cups...they're so pretty and dainty!


Playing conversation heart BINGO.  This was such a cute idea!  The kids who can't read yet just had to match the colors.  The older kids matched the words on the hearts to the paper.


Colton got all of his colors right!

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Kaitlyn started out well, but then she just decided to put hearts wherever she wanted them.


Sipping "tea"...lemonade really...


Can you tell she had fun?

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Colton enjoyed playing with stamps during the craft part of the party.  He was covered in green ink!


Kaitlyn's craft was an adorable little owl goody bag!


And then it was off to building with cardboard blocks!  I think Kaitlyn really enjoyed her first tea party!  Colton had a great time, too!